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Tue 16:45, 06 May 2014 |
with aching back, took care of most of his medical bills,涓嶈繃杈捐タ鍗磋寰楄繖鏄釜濂芥秷鎭紝浠栬涓轰紛涓借帋鐧藉湪灏兼棩鏂愯姳鍥緟寰楀涔呬簡銆備粬娌℃兂鍒拌繖娆′細缁欏ス寮勫緱杩欒埇鍦板績閱夛紝鍔犱笂褰牸鑾卞皬濮愪竴鏂归潰瀵瑰ス娌$ぜ璨岋紝鍙︽柟闈㈠張瓒婂彂鎷夸粬鑷繁寮�帺绗戙�浠栫伒鏈轰竴鍔紝鍐冲畾鍙嚜宸辩壒鍒綋蹇冧簺锛岀洰鍓嶅喅涓嶈娴侀湶鍑哄濂规湁浠�箞鐖辨厱鐨勬剰鎬濃攢鈹�攢涓�偣鍎垮舰杩逛篃涓嶈娴侀湶鍑烘潵锛屽厤寰楀ス瀛橀潪浠戒箣鎯筹紝灏辨瑕佹搷绾垫垜杈捐タ鐨勭粓韬垢绂忋�浠栨劅瑙夊埌锛屽亣濡傚ス瀛樹簡閭g蹇冿紝閭d箞涓�畾鏄粬鏄ㄥぉ瀵瑰緟濂圭殑鎬佸害璧蜂簡涓捐冻杞婚噸鐨勪綔鐢ㄢ攢鈹�彨濂逛笉鏄浠栨洿鏈夊ソ鎰燂紝渚挎槸鎶婁粬瀹屽叏鍘屽純銆備粬杩欐牱鎷垮畾浜嗕富鎰忥紝浜庢槸鏄熸湡鍏竴鏁村ぉ绠�洿娌℃湁璺熷ス璇翠笂鍗佸彞璇濄�铏界劧浠栭偅澶╂浘缁忔湁涓�璺熷ス鍗曠嫭鍦ㄤ竴璧峰緟浜嗗崐灏忔椂涔嬩箙锛屼粬鍗存澶у厜鏄庡湴鐢ㄥ績鐪嬩功锛岀湅涔熸病鐪嬪ス涓�溂銆�
鏄熸湡鏃ュ仛杩囨櫒绁蜂互鍚庯紝鐝涓ゅ濡圭珛鍗冲憡杈烇紝涓讳汉瀹跺嚑涔庝汉浜轰箰鎰忋�褰牸鑾卞皬濮愬浼婁附鑾庣櫧涓�笅瀛愬彉寰楁湁绀艰矊璧锋潵浜嗭紝瀵瑰悏鑻变篃涓�笅瀛愬彉寰椾翰鐑簡銆傚垎鎵嬬殑鏃跺�锛屽ス鍏堣窡鍚夎嫳璇达紝闈炲父鐩兼湜浠ュ悗鏈夋満浼氬湪娴崥鎭╂垨鑰呭湪灏兼棩鏂愯姳鍥窡濂归噸閫紝鎺ョ潃鍙堝崄鍒嗕翰鍒囧湴鎷ユ姳浜嗗ス涓�暘锛岀敋鑷宠繕璺熶紛涓借帋鐧芥彙浜嗘彙鎵嬨�浼婁附鑾庣櫧楂橀珮鍏村叴鍦板憡鍒簡澶у銆� I say 鈥�eh,鈥�He paused and suddenly catching sight of the pistol on the table,[url=]mcm バッグ[/url],鈥�
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the extinction of candles and lamps--who could agree with such goings on? |
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